Monday, November 18, 2013

budgets and buzz kills

Budgets are something I've thought about a lot. I've never be too successful with them, yet I know exactly how to create a good one. Make sense? No, it doesn't. 

With Sam and I's recent job changes, we've been forced to implement pretty strict changes in our spending. Those changes could also be classified as "buzz kills." After a few weeks of monitoring (and cutting back), we've realized how things add up and determined what's worth it and what's not. 

So, in the spirit of budgets, I've come up with a list of what's worth skipping these days to save some cash (and ultimately pay our bills...): 

(1) Dining out. I'm trying to live by the new rule that if we can make it at home, it's most certainly not something we should spend money on right now. We've successfully eaten at home about 90 percent of the time in the last couple months, which is exponentially higher than it ever was in the past. Now that I've brought my lunch nearly every day since starting my new job, I've found that I've built a good habit and don't crave dining out as often as I used to. Baby steps!

(2) Snacks on snacks on snacks. Honestly, snacks are so expensive. We used to keep a lot of random things on hand - granola bars, several types of chips, crackers, hummus, etc. - and, often times, some of it would go bad before it got completely eaten. But now, I've avoided the snack section at Sam's Club and simplified to having fewer options on hand that I know we'll eat.

(3) Soda and Starbucks drinks. Partly because of yoga and partly because I feel guilty spending money, I've cut back a lot on drinking anything other than milk and water. Do I really need a Mountain Dew? Do I really need that delicious iced green tea lemonade? Unfortunately, the answer is no. That's not to say I don't treat myself here and there, but I tend to go for the free option (a can of soda at work) instead of the $4 option at Starbucks.

(4) Shopping and impulse buys. It might be on sale, and it might be ridiculously cheap, but I must walk away. No more random shopping sprees for this girl. It kills me a little inside, but what I make at my second job is what I have to spend on my fun-stuff. So, it's all dictated by what those checks amount to and what's left after my monthly yoga membership. It's working out so far... and, dare I say, I don't seem to be missing it TOO badly.

(5) Miscellaneous Services. No more threading my eyebrows regularly. No more car washes. No more manicures or pedicures every month. You get the picture. If I can do it myself, I should.

Wow. Just writing that out was a buzz kill. It's been a house of "no" lately, but it's also been a positive thing. It's good to be cutting off habits that in the long-term would be damaging to our wallets. I also think I'm appreciating things much more. When I do get to buy something while shopping, it's a treat. When we do grab dinner out, it's a treat. It's good.

Just another challenge I've signed up for - except it will last much longer than 30 days.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

adopting the “hey, it’s ok!” mentality

Recently I came to the realization that I had been living a distracted life in which I felt the need to account for every minute of every day. No time for breaks, just checking things off. Constantly.

And, no matter how I sliced it, or how well I multi-tasked, I still found myself far behind. There was never a day long enough to catch me up. My thoughts and actions were controlled by to-do lists, email notifications, and a jam-packed agenda. In my brain, everything was stamped with big red letters spelling “URGENT,” making me think it just couldn’t wait. I was always in a hurry. 

In short, my task-driven nature had become a problem rather than an ideal trait, and I needed to relax.

Living a distracted life gives you tunnel vision – you only see (and focus on) what’s next. There were very few “savoring the moment” moments or no-plan days, and it was nobody’s fault but my own.

Living life in a hurry is no way to live.

Today, I’m making a promise to myself to let go a bit. Slow down a little more. Enjoy things every day. Prioritize better. And adopt the “hey, it’s ok!” mentality when something isn’t done just as I want it to be done, exactly when I think it needs to be done.

Imagine all the little voices in my head whispering “hey, it’s OK!” phrases to me all day:

“Hey, it’s OK if there are some dirty dishes in the sink.”

“Hey, it’s OK if the house is messy just a little bit longer.”

“Hey, it’s OK to put my phone away for the evening.”

“Hey, it’s OK to sit on the couch all day today.”

“Hey… it’s OK! … Seriously, it’s OK!”

Today, I’m stepping back and telling myself that it’s OK. No more tunnel vision. No more distracted living, because I want to be 100 percent present wherever I am. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

just me and my mat

For a few weeks I've gotten myself acquainted with hot yoga classes. It's something I've talked about doing for what feels like years but had not given in until I had the time (and energy) in between jobs. I tell you what ... it's as good as everyone says it is. 

So good, in fact, that I've officially signed myself up for the "Fall Challenge" at the yoga studio I attend, which means 30 classes in 30 days. My friend says her first challenge changed her life, and I'm confident that I'll get a lot of benefit from this commitment, too. Those are TBD in .. 28 days (I'm two days in!). 

If completed, you do receive a nice discount for an entire year, which is certainly a very attractive reason to sign up. Not to mention, the price to sign up is a discounted rate to the normal unlimited package. Double whammy. 

However, what I've already realized since exploring hot yoga for the first time in early September, is that very few workouts feel as good (or better) than a hot yoga class. It's a detoxing, relaxing, strengthening and centering workout. It's about the building the breath and building strength. Oh, and it's hard (and there is always something you can do to make it harder). 

It's a different kind of workout than I'm used to. I'm not dealing with the kind of soreness you might get from a long cardio session or weight training, but I feel just as good, if not better.

Before starting the challenge, I was managing to get to class four to five times a week. Upping that to seven classes will be difficult, particularly on the days I work both my full-time job and my part-time job, but Sam has already agreed to push me out of bed to get to 6 a.m. classes when necessary. 

So, wish me luck. Oh, and don't be offended if I turn you down to go to yoga. For the next month, it's my priority. October is the month I'm dedicated to my mat.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

sunday thoughts: five things

My, oh my. There is so much happening around here. To kick off the week, here are five things on my mind: 

(1) As I mentioned last week, I've officially started a new job. It's going great so far, and I still feel confident in the change it's bringing my way. After a week full of training, overview meetings and wrapping my brain around all the moving parts associated with my new position, I hope to hit the ground running tomorrow by owning my tasks and getting sh*t done! Bring it on, Monday.

(2) Speaking of new jobs, Sam starts his new job tomorrow. Yeah, we planned this well, didn't we?! After a few years in the corporate world, he's venturing into real estate - something I think he'll be happier doing and also crazy good at. Sending good vibes and all my love this week (and every week)! 

(3) I think I've found another love in my life: YOGA. For a few months, I've gone every Saturday morning I can to free classes hosted at the Fashion Mall's lululemon store. It's been great for learning postures and really getting a good feel for this kind of workout. And, after months of putting it off, I finally tried The Yoga Studio, which offers hot yoga classes. Like 90+ degrees hot. Because I don't love being hot, I figured it wouldn't be "my thing," but I was SO wrong. I'd go as far as saying I almost crave it now... and it's only been a week! Namaste.

(3) Budgets are my enemy... or are they? Because of said job changes, we're having to set and stick to a budget. Real estate doesn't bring in guaranteed money, so our goal is to live off of my salary. It isn't going to be easy, but I already can feel myself stepping off from various things that used to cost money - eating out and impulse shopping, particularly.

(4) With budgets came meal planning. Today I feel like I've been cooking like crazy - ribs, potatoes, banana bread... this kitchen smells delicious. I've also be successful packing lunches every day and planning grocery trips accordingly to ensure we have food we want and that we'll eat without making that "ugh" face. It's working. Bravo!

(5) This weather is lighting up my life. Seriously. Every year summer winds down and all I want is fall weather, and it's finally here! I'm already thinking of all the fall outfit combinations I want to bust out. Scarves! Boots! Leggings! Chambray shirts! Sweaters! AH!

That brain dump felt good. Happy Sunday! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

finding the happy every day

The other day I spent nearly an hour browsing Barnes & Noble between plans. I forgot how calming and refreshing it was to be surrounded by so many books - the written word - and enjoy the environment of a book store/coffee shop. 

Amidst the browsing, I came across this journal sporting the quote, "Do more of what makes you happy." I had to snatch it up as it was a perfect fit for me right now. This month and the few to come are ones of change. Both Sam and I have taken on new roles professionally; jobs that also give us some room for various lifestyle changes as well. 

This journal felt just right when I thought about everything changing for us. With the new change in my day-to-day routine, I've found a renewed sense of energy - both mentally and physically - that has given me opportunity to really pursue the things I've wanted to do for so long: more yoga, more DIY projects, more writing, more reading and so on. 

Said simply: I want to do more of the things that make me happy. Pursue the things that bring me alive. and bring things that felt lost in translation back to the forefront. With some recent inspiration, I've found ways to push them back into my routine, and there's no slowing down from here on out.

In a season of becoming, it's important to feel empowered and happy. And with this little notebook, I'll keep doing just that.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

recipe: easy, healthy energy bites

I've been looking for some easy snack ideas that would travel well to work and came across these little guys, otherwise known as "energy bites." Using ingredients I already had at home, these were easy to whip up quickly and "for free!"


2 tsp Vanilla
1-1.5 C Peanut Butter
2 C Oats
1 C Flaxseed
1-1.5 C Chocolate Chips (I used Dark)
2 tbsp Honey

All you do is mix it together, roll it into one-inch balls and let them sit in the refrigerator overnight. After trying one, I am pretty positive these will be more regular snacks at this house. They are a great snacks to curb hunger and also fulfill sweet cravings! I got about 24 in one batch.

Happy eating!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

kitchen knobs makeover

We all know that a little paint goes a long way, and since I can't replace the counters on my own yet - those REALLY need to go - I decided to do something more simple to get the makeover underway again. 

The house came with brushed nickel knobs on all the cabinets. They look great, but I wanted to spruce them up a bit. I've seen some great photos of white cabinetry with shiny black knobs, which is why I decided it would be a great look in our kitchen. Nevermind the navy, laminate counters - again, those need to go. I felt the black was good for the long term.

So, I unscrewed the nearly 25 knobs/handles and got started by cleaning them off a bit. And the drawers... ew.

Anyway, I used Hammered Black spray paint by Rustoleum. It has a cool texture too it, which brings it to another level of sleek.

Like it? Because I do. 

Here's what the cabinets look like now with the freshly painted knobs:

Ah, another project checked off. Feels good... again. And now, I'm already starting more kitchen projects that weren't on my list this week (like painting the pantry doors and picking out wall colors) ... it's like a disease! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

hangin' around: the gallery wall is UP

Finally. The gallery wall is up! 

Over the last several weeks (or even months) I've collected miscellaneous items to include in the gallery wall for our re-done living room. Before the living room's transformation, the "gallery" was mostly full of pictures and random hanging items we had accumulated. However, I wanted it to be full of more "art" than photos this time around. 

To hang them all accurately, it took some measuring, pre-planning and a little toothpaste. Yes, toothpaste. I first measured the area. Apparently, you shouldn't hang items more than seven feet from the ground. Who knew? So, that's what I went with. It ended up being perfect height given the window's height. 

Once I measured the height and width (to go just beyond the buffet's width), I taped it off in the floor and started placing. After a few trial and error placements, I decided on my plan.

And then I went to work. The toothpaste came in when I needed to figure out just where to hammer the nails. I put just a dab of it on the back of each frame/item before pressing it onto the wall where it was meant to go. Nail, wipe then hang. It's easy and pretty error proof. 

So, with some old and new mixed together... here you have it (top to bottom rows). 

(1) A sign I bought at Dottie Couture Boutique, one of my favorite places to shop. Who doesn't love a good Beatles quote?
(2) This is an extra frame we had lying around that was waiting for it's place. A year or so ago we had a subscription to Papirmasse, which sends various artist's prints each month. This was one of my faves.
(3) This is the pillow to art DIY project I did a few weeks ago.
(4) Found on Pinterest, I made this framed map and key art awhile back. It was featured on our previous gallery wall, too.
(5) My mom sent me this little notecard earlier this year, which features a drawing of our cabin on the front. Since that's one of our happy places, I thought it was the perfect addition. 
(6) There are no words for this one. While it is a photo, it's also art. The Sample Gates at Indiana University are as beautiful as it gets!
(7) Each time we visit my Grandma's in Wisconsin, we always look through the things she has saved around the house. We found this print - of a church in Boston - and snagged it right away knowing it'd be perfect for the wall. 
(8) The cutting board to art DIY project here is the perfect item to mix up all the squares and rectangles up here. (Note: I'm still deciding how I want to hang this one so that it's less angled or completely straight!)
(9) My favorite quote - "The biggest victories in life are the small ones." - says it all on this piece. I made this canvas last year. It also had a home in our gallery before.
(9) This is a postcard I gave Sam earlier this year. It has a penguin on it, which is one of my favorite animals. And a cute little phrase at the bottom: "I will never waddle away from you."
(10) Thanks to my Grandma (again), we have this artwork to add in. It is a set up five, but we only hung up one. The others will eventually all be split between the kids. Vintage and very awesome.

Productivity feels so good. So do house to home projects. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

diy cutting board to art piece

Slowly, we're building a collection of gallery wall art to hang in the living room. Similar to the pillow I repurposed in a frame, I took another home product and turned it into "art," as well.

While browsing Bed, Bath & Beyond for some wedding gifts, I came across this Indiana cutting board. We don't need a cutting board, but I had another idea in mind (Pinterest inspired, of course) and had several coupons to make it worth it. With a self-made stamp, red paint, a paint pen and Modge Podge, I made a little piece of "art" to add to the collection for the  much-anticipated gallery wall I'm dying to get up.

The heart is placed over Bloomington, Ind. - where we met, dated through college and then got married. Love.

Friday, August 23, 2013

get fit gear i love

What goes along with a workout kick? A shopping kick for workout gear. It's true that if you feel better in what you wear, you can be more motivated to workout more effectively. 

With the help of several coupons and sales, I've rounded up some purchases that have proven to be well worth the investment:

I've found that I'm most comfortable working out in cropped pants like these. Everything is held together and they also are slimming, so you feel great. I have a few different pairs of crops, but this style is my favorite so far. 

After starting morning workouts, I needed a duffel bag to hold all my stuff each morning. I have several totes, but none of them worked well in terms of hauling everything in an organized way. This duffel from lululemon has all the pockets you need, short and long straps, a netted compartment for yoga mats or wet towels, and more.

I've always been a Nike girl. Currently, my Nike Free shoes are just perfect for support, comfort and circulation. They've been great and adapt well to a variety of workouts (running, strength training, biking, etc.).

I drink far more water with this water bottle than any other. I like that I can see the water as I sip on it, and I love that it's easy to take a drink without much coordination as I sit at my desk or workout on a machine (the straw is key, here).

Post-workout, these babies are the perfect thing to slip into. Thick band around the waist, loose fit past the knees and finished off with an elastic cuff. The fabric, by the way, is crazy soft, too.

Considering I have three of these, I'd say Lucy's Workout Racerback tanks are my absolute favorite thing to wear to the gym. They are super lightweight, soak the sweat just like a dri-fit shirt and have a nice cut for comfort and style. Done and done.

 I have a lot of hair -  a lot of curly, frizzy hair - so, I take my headbands seriously. These Fly Away Tamer Headbands are as good as it gets. No slip and a couple inches in width makes them perfect for me. lululemon also has some thinner and thicker ones, both of which I'm wanting to try.

What are your favorite workout products?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

10 things for 20-somethings (re-blog)

A friend shared this on her blog - Sometimes, Always, Never - earlier this week, and I couldn't help but share it again. Her short and sweet points are all spot on.

Our twenties are a decade for becoming, and these "10 things for 20-somethings" definitely resonated with me. All of them are things I've gradually realized and started finding ways to figure them out through my own personal life. 

What's your advice for 20-somethings?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

h&m goes home goods

H&M ... you have my heart. 

I've been dreaming of shopping online at H&M for years, and now, not only can I do that, I can ALSO shop for home goods. Say what?! Say, yes.

Just look at some of these amazing looks:


Living Room


So clean, yet also very vintage-y. Count me in!

With that discovery, I fully plan to incorporate H&M goodies into our home at some point. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

diy: pillow to art

So our perfect little boxer pup chewed the pillow corner just enough one day to ruin the zipper closure (thankfully, the pillow itself is still fully capable of being recovered!). I bought the pillow for sale at Urban Outfitters back in college, and it served its original purpose for nearly five years. While, I could have fixed the pillow cover, I felt it might be time to give it a new life. 

So, art it became. It will make its way onto our gallery wall in the living room once I get around to it. I have a few more pieces to DIY or frame up before I start visualizing it and all its glory.

How have you turned something old into something new?

Friday, August 16, 2013

bidding farewell to our furry friend, juno

Today, we bid farewell to our family pet, Juno! This furry friend is headed to Germany on a new adventure with our family friends. Their two kids just love her to pieces, so I'm more than positive Juno will be well taken care of in her new home.

I must say, dogs are indeed the best medicine. And while not everyone will admit it, Juno most certainly counts. She's the sweetest pup - despite her crazy tendencies to run away or mount other dogs during play - and deserves to be walked, played with and snuggled with on a daily basis.

Who would have thought that this little girl from the pound would be such a world traveler?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

4 snacks i can't stop eating

As always, I'm finding ways to get what I want in a better way. In this case, in a little more healthy of a way. 

I'm a big snacker and would much rather graze on food than go into a food coma after an oversized meal. So, in an effort to snack without eating too unhealthy, I've gravated toward these few snacks. I'd call it a success since now I crave these instead of salty, high-fat chips or sugary candy.

(1) Dark Chocolate Pomegranates

My grandma introduced these to me when she visited a couple weekends ago. The day we got home, I bought two bags from the grocery. So delicious and so worth it. About 1/4 of a cup is 180 calories, which isn't all that bad, right? (I could be wrong, but don't tell me otherwise. It's better than candy! ;)

(2) Sliced Almonds

I've read on multiple occasions that almonds are a power food. I wasn't ever a big nut person, but after putting some almonds on salads for awhile, they've grown on me. I prefer to eat sliced almond, so I buy the big bags at Trader Joe's and snack on those at work. Delightful!

(3) Veggies and Ranch Greek Yogurt

After discovering you can make faux ranch dip with Greek yogurt, I've been hooked. I've started making it quite often and dipping all sorts of veggies into it for snacks. Since I'm a sucker for dips (and most of them aren't healthy), this was the perfect combination to get what I want, but get it in a better way. Bravo!

(4) Avocados

Whether it's mixed as a dip or just eaten plain, avocados seem to always do the trick. Oh, and they're a power food too. Win-win.

What are you favorite snacks? 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

new workout obsession: barre classes

Thanks to a LivingSocial deal for Barre Bee Fit, I was prompted to try out the new barre fitness studio here in Indy (or Fishers, rather). I've heard all the wonderful things about these workout classes, so to say I was excited was an understatement. 

At Barre Bee Fit, they offer group fitness classes that provide intensive cardiovascular conditioning, toning and restoration all in one. 

I've been to one class so far - Interval Barre - and already am ready to go back to try another one. Interval Barre was 60 minutes long, and this particular class focused on "abs and seat." The two toning sessions (aka abs and seat) were enclosed with high-intensity cardio intervals.

I'm sure we looked silly at times doing some of the exercises, BUT I'm serious people... this is really good stuff! Depending on the class, you use a variety of "props" (weights, bands, balls and more) to complete certain exercises. 

I've already registered for two more different classes - Barre Burn (Hot) and the class Barre Bee classes - and certainly intrigued by all the options!

Have you tried barre fitness classes? Have a favorite class? 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

recipe: sesame seed ahi tuna steaks

We are suckers for sushi-grade ahi tuna steaks, and this is our favorite way to make it: marinaded, seeded and seared. 

Step 1: Marinade in a mixture of soy sauce, honey, rice wine vinegar, sweet white wine, wasabi and sesame seed oil. 
Step 2: Heat the stove stop and skillet on high, high heat.
Step 3: Press each side of the tuna steaks onto a plate with a mixture of both white and black sesame seeds. 
Step 4: Sear each side for :30 seconds or so! 
Step 5: Eat, of course. Duh.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

styling shelves

Oh, the sweet, sweet reward of nesting. 

It's been exciting through the whole process of re-doing the family room. From demolition to painting to hanging to styling... and there's still more to go! 

Here's a full shot of the new shelves and their decor all put into place: 

Before, the built-ins were cluttered with more frames, sports items, books, knick-knacks and more. This time around, though, I wanted to clear it up a bit. The living room should be a more calming space in the house.

Here's the left side close up:

It's complete with home design books, a few picture frames, a vase and a few empty bottles. Perfecto!

And, now for the left side:

My favorite part? The elephant, of course (thanks Home Goods!). This has a few knick-knack books (like Secrets of Longevity) and fashion books, as well as candles, frames and a sentimental plaque stating, "May you always be in an atmosphere of greatness." Again, perfecto!

I'm sure I'll make several changes throughout the next several weeks, months and even years. But this is a great start. My tips?

(1) Consider horizontal and vertical items when placing them on the shelf. To many of one make it look and feel imbalanced. 
(2) Mix and match items to avoid too much of one type of thing on one shelf. For example, mixing books, a statue and picture frame(s) instead of all picture frames.
(3) Stack! I love stacking books and adding something on top to give it more height. 

Next up for the living room re-do? The gallery wall of art!

Monday, August 5, 2013

summer vacation: road trip to perdido key, fla.

We spent the last week of July soaking in the sun with friends on the Florida-Alabama line. Sam and I had been craving a vacation for quite some time and were searching for options around our first anniversary

Luckily, two spots opened up on a trip we originally had to decline, and we found ourselves in a 10-person condo with great friends for an entire week.

Here are a few (of many!) pictures from the trip:

Now, my only question is, "why don't I live on a beach!?"

Sunday, August 4, 2013

one down, a lifetime to go

It's official! Sam and I have been married (more than) one year, and I can hardly believe it. 

As always, a lot has happened in the last year since we said, "I do." But, I can honestly say, it's all been wonderful. They say the first year is the hardest. I don't know who "they" are, but if I did, I'd tell them it's not necessarily true. 

Going on six years together, Sam and I's first year of marriage was amazing. It was eventful - both with obvious ups and downs - but all wonderful.

He's the love of my life and always will be.

Since we were traveling the day of our anniversary, we "officially" celebrated just one day later with a nice dinner, a trip to Tiffany's (yes, I'm spoiled) and a toast with a bottle of (extremely nice) champagne from a sweet family friend. 

If you haven't ever been to Ocean Prime, you're truly missing out. This was our first trip, and I'm sure we'll be back when we're in a position to splurge on a really nice meal again. From the tuna appetizer to the steak dinners and cocktails, we were impressed.

Isn't he handsome?!

And, to my surprise, we made a pitstop at the Fashion Mall to do a little shopping, and we walked out with a gorgeous little necklace with one single pearl. Definitely a classic piece that I can wear forever and ever. Thanks to my sweet hubby.

Cheers to MANY more with this guy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

family room re-do: floating shelves are up!

A few months ago we finally got started on a family room re-do by removing part of some built ins and adding a layer of paint. After, we also painted all the trim white to compliment the rest of the house's trim. And then, we finally checked step four off the list - hanging the new shelves! 

We were on the search for white floating shelves because we liked the idea of a clean line and no brackets showing. The width of the cabinets is 39 inches, which proved to be difficult to find. So instead we found 36-inch shelves we could center on the wall - White Big Board Shelves from The Container Store. They are made with MDF and wood veneer and all hardware was included, so we were set. 

I used the painter's tape trick to precisely mark where the holds need to go and it worked out perfectly. Definitely will be my go-to method when I want to hang things up! Once that was ready, Sam go going with the drill. 

Voila! They were up, and they were looking mighty fine. Here's a full view:

We've come a LONG way, haven't we?

Next on the list: styling them. I'm way too excited to get started! More to come.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

diy: file cabinet re-do

You know those things you grab because you'll totally use it one day. Well, I totally did that with this filing cabinet, and let's just say, it's been sitting waiting for me for eight months. Lonely in the corner. 

I found this gem in my grandma's basement. Every time we head over there, she has us look through the basement. It's nearly empty these days, but we found some fun things that we could use at home (more on that later, probably). This file cabinet had some scuffs and was a bland tan color, so to give it new life I grabbed some spray paint. Purple spray paint. HOLLER!

I cleaned it and sanded it to prep it for the first coat. It only took one can of spray paint to get full coverage all the way around. Once it was totally dry, I put a few coats of polyurethane on it to help avoid chipping and give it a somewhat glossy finish.

Sadly, I didn't put enough tape around the drawers, so I pretty much just gave up on keeping the inside the tan color. It's all uneven in there, but hey, it's the inside!

Next up, organizing all our files in it. I know that sounds lame, but I'm totally up for it. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

giddy up!

Several years ago I read that using horse shampoo and conditioner products could help your hair grow. At the time, I was desperate for my locks to add some length, so I went for it and purchased two extremely large bottles of Mane 'n Tail at the local tractor supply store. 

via Google Images
It had been a few years since I had last used the products, but when I came across it again at Walgreens, I went for it... again. After only a few weeks, I can't really remember why I stopped using it. While, I'm unsure how much it's grown since I started it back up, I certainly have noticed my hair's softness after I shower. It's especially helpful since the majority of my showers are at the gym with their hard water.

All I'm saying is that shampoo and conditioner originally made for horses is totally necessary for humans. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

sucker for sales

I'm a sucker for sales, especially those at entail fancy things I can't purchase otherwise. Thanks to a few promotions, these few things (along with other un-pictured items) have made their way into my ever-evolving wardrobe. Aren't they beautiful?

J. Crew Factory
J. Crew Factory
Kate Spade New York