My, oh my. There is so much happening around here. To kick off the week, here are five things on my mind:
(1) As I mentioned last week, I've officially started a new job. It's going great so far, and I still feel confident in the change it's bringing my way. After a week full of training, overview meetings and wrapping my brain around all the moving parts associated with my new position, I hope to hit the ground running tomorrow by owning my tasks and getting sh*t done! Bring it on, Monday.
(2) Speaking of new jobs, Sam starts his new job tomorrow. Yeah, we planned this well, didn't we?! After a few years in the corporate world, he's venturing into real estate - something I think he'll be happier doing and also crazy good at. Sending good vibes and all my love this week (and every week)!
(3) I think I've found another love in my life: YOGA. For a few months, I've gone every Saturday morning I can to free classes hosted at the Fashion Mall's lululemon store. It's been great for learning postures and really getting a good feel for this kind of workout. And, after months of putting it off, I finally tried The Yoga Studio, which offers hot yoga classes. Like 90+ degrees hot. Because I don't love being hot, I figured it wouldn't be "my thing," but I was SO wrong. I'd go as far as saying I almost crave it now... and it's only been a week! Namaste.
(3) Budgets are my enemy... or are they? Because of said job changes, we're having to set and stick to a budget. Real estate doesn't bring in guaranteed money, so our goal is to live off of my salary. It isn't going to be easy, but I already can feel myself stepping off from various things that used to cost money - eating out and impulse shopping, particularly.
(4) With budgets came meal planning. Today I feel like I've been cooking like crazy - ribs, potatoes, banana bread... this kitchen smells delicious. I've also be successful packing lunches every day and planning grocery trips accordingly to ensure we have food we want and that we'll eat without making that "ugh" face. It's working. Bravo!
(5) This weather is lighting up my life. Seriously. Every year summer winds down and all I want is fall weather, and it's finally here! I'm already thinking of all the fall outfit combinations I want to bust out. Scarves! Boots! Leggings! Chambray shirts! Sweaters! AH!
That brain dump felt good. Happy Sunday!
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